Thursday, November 14, 2013

Will technology replace educators.

To top it all that is going on with our system of teaching, incorporating the core curriculum, standards, teacher evaluations and the rest, there is one one question hanging above our heads: will we be replaced by robots?
Today technology develops extraordinary fast taking over jobs of ordinary people and will it take over our jobs as educators? MOOCs or the giant, to the point of the word, classroom, Khan Academy online learning are new developing industry that will change the way of learning. It will change the classroom.  Will IT?
As they said when the radio was created, the teachers will be replaced by it because it is enough to spread the word.But it was not enough. I may be subjective but I strongly believe we won't be replaced. We see our students, we talk eye to eye, we feel their pain and we do what is necessary to sent them into this new world.
Games for teaching....It can be useful...there is a page where the games that can be used in class can be found. These are useful in teaching science here is an interesting game to teach pH value to students...

To check out what games are apropriate and to find rewiev of a game by scientist, teachers and gamers check out this page :
very useful!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Teaching Vsper
It is great thing to teach VSEPR. Especially by using gummy bear. By creating jelly drop to be middle atom and using gummy bears as  attached atoms it  gives to student of every age how fun and tasteful can be learning. Make sure you get the wholesale size bag of candies....Students get all excited but they learn they really learn...
To show variable of the shapes just take away gummy bear  any way is possible...